SPECIAL DAY SALE 4/30(TUE)20:00 - 5/1(WED)23:59 1日限定のスペシャルセール、SPECIAL DAY SALEがスタートいたしました! 日頃の感謝を込めて、Sellenatelaの人気ラインナップが最大60%OFFでお買い求めいただけます。普段はセール対象外の商品ももお求めやすくなりますので、この機会をお見逃しなく!
We have launched our official website in English, and to celebrate the launch we are offering free shipping for international customers.
To check our website in English, just click the English button on the right-hand side on PC and English button in the middle under the logo on mobile.
The FREE SHIPPING FOR INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS! campaign goes on until the end of June. Please take the chance to try Sellenatela shoes!! If you have any questions feel free to contact us.